Black Buddha

I have always been interested and intrigued by things the mind cannot grasp. As a child, I was drawn to nature–plants, animals and wildness–and my folks said I wandered through the woods for hours. After going to church as a kid, I spent time in college studying philosophy, spirituality and religion, followed by living in an ashram with a different name, wearing all cotton cloths and a turban, eating a vegetarian diet, practicing Kundalini yoga and meditating. All of these things were rewarding in their own ways, but none of them brought (or bring) me ‘into the present moment’ quite like horses do. Being with my wolfdog and my horses (pictured below), was very grounding, and real.

While listening to Eckhart Tolle’s audio book, The Power of Now, I discovered that the language he used helped me feel a real sense of peace, like I had finally ‘come home.’  The audio and video clips, poems and writings of some other spiritual teachers resonated with me in the same way. The writing of Jan Frazier, in particular, seemed to touch me deeply. I will be forever grateful that she tripped me at the cliff’s edge….

This blog came to me as a vehicle for expression&mdasha way to share the feeling of ‘coming home’. Perhaps those who visit will feel encouraged to know that what they long for IS within them, and it IS possible for them to … Know That. The blog contains photos, personal reflections, poetry, prose, quotes and video clips—all Reflections on Now. Additionally, I have included a few links to other blogs and web sites that share this focus.

Lucy, Grace, Magnum and Etta aka "The Black Buddha"

Lucy, Grace, Magnum and Etta aka “The Black Buddha”

The horse shown in the blog header is Etta, a black Morgan mare.  She lives, as all animals do, in the present moment, offering herself as a role model of how to be here now. I think of her as “The Black Buddha.” Feel free to click this link to view a few photos of her Buddha Buddies.

I welcome relevant comments that readers choose to share.

Update: The beautiful wolf dog in the photo above, named Lucy, passed away on June 4, 2012. While her form is no longer here with us, my husband and I still very much feel her presence in our lives. Read her tribute here: Dear Lucy.

Grace Lambert – aka equiwolf
Sequim, WA
March 2009

The header photo, and the photo on this page were both taken by Dow Lambert.

4 Comments so far
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I am touched thank you.

Comment by Mary Gallagher

Its interesting that you said “All of these things were rewarding in their own ways, but none of them brought (or bring) me ‘into the present moment’ quite like horses do.”

After years of various spiritual practices (very similar to what you’ve described), I found that I still didn’t feel as if I was whole – or truly present.

While horses weren’t the ‘gift’ they have been for you, I have found various simple techniques have helped me to become present in the here and now. And feeling so much more alive, with a greater sense of self!

These techniques have quite simply brought me out of just being in my head – and thinking about life – to actually sensing life and its richness within my body. Is that what the horses have done for you? Brought you into the here/now in a more sensing, body-centred way, because that’s how you have to relate to them?

Comment by Aannsha

Greetings Aannsha — thank you for your comment! I was very intrigued by your web site (I have added it as a link on my blogroll) and will take time later to read the posts in a more leisurely manner. But from what I read, it appears we are on the same path, which is to basically Be. Here. Now. It is exciting for me to know that others are striving to live their lives in the present moment — at least to the best of their abilities at any given time!

In answer to your question, yes, horses bring me into the present moment for a variety of reasons. The main one is probably that they live their lives in the Now and so they are good role models. Additionally, when working with a horse, or riding, it is best to be focused and aware at all times, and if you fail to do that, a horse might remind you of this in a myriad of ways, some gentle and some not-so-gentle. I’ve experienced these reminders at both ends of the spectrum. So yes, it is safer to be very aware in a sensing, body-centered way, as you say, any time you are dealing with horses.

I am certainly no where near ‘awake’ at all times, but I experience pure attention (consciousness) more often now than I used to, and Eckhart Tolle and Byron Katie have both helped me immensely with their published works. Despite years of experience as a meditator and *seeker* of the truth through various spiritual practices, it wasn’t until I listened to Tolle that I truly felt that I understood and had found — within myself — the answer I had been looking for all those years. Now I find myself snapping out of thought, or a reverie of sorts, and into a stillness that is so lovely it is almost indescribable. The peace of those aware moments is in stark contrast to the sense of unrest that constant thought produces in me, and so of course I strive to experience that peace — that gap of stillness — more and more each day. Horses help me do that.

Take care,
G ~ aka equiwolf

Comment by equiwolf

Hi Gale,
Earlier this day, I wrote a comment here. It inadvertently disappeared.

Dust in the Ever-Changing Wind

Just, wish to say: How very Whole this piece is.
As I am glad to share Home with You.

Comment by doreen

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